Emergency Daycare Center in Alpine UT

It is positive and relieving news for Utah’s essential workforce because an emergency daycare in Alpine UT is now open. This comes to ease a very serious conundrum COVID-19 has created for the essential workforce keeping the wheels of life turning for Utah’s residents – where will the children go?
With schools and daycares closed in the battle against COVID-19, grandparents and other vulnerable familial caretakers being amongst those most at risk, and the social distancing guidelines making friends unavailable, Utah’s essential workforce of doctors, nurses, first responders, pharmacists, necessary public works, and food suppliers have struggled for weeks with finding a safe place to care for their children as they show up to work to serve their communities.
Alpine UT emergency childcare has become a must to provide childcare for those with the dual responsibility of caring for their own displaced children and continuing to do their jobs during this pandemic. This childcare must be both safe and affordable to truly ease the burden and the minds of Utah’s essential workforce.
Sunshine Academy is one of the first temporary emergency childcare centers in Utah for essential employees, and it is a free service. Sunshine Academy is located at 416 S Alpine Hwy in Alpine, Utah, and this experienced daycare center is licensed by the state as an Emergency Daycare Center.
Parents should understand that the emergency daycare in Alpine UT is dedicated to childcare for essential workers only.
The strictest of safety measures and protocols are in place to protect the children of these essential workers. The number of children in any area and overall capacity is restricted and continues to follow safe distancing guidelines and only 10 individuals are allowed per room. Children’s temperatures are checked before entering, and parents are dropping off and picking up their children without entering the building.
According to Tracy Gruber, who is the director of Utah Office of Child Care, and Simon Bolivar, who is the childcare licensing administrator at the Utah Department of Health, this emergency care is being offered on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m, and the One Utah Child Care program will also offer a list of in-home providers available for weekends and after hours childcare. They also wanted to ensure parents that the emergency childcare facilities remain subject to the normal childcare facility requirements, such as background checks for its workers.
This has been a difficult time for everyone, but it has presented an unprecedented childcare problem for the essential workers being asked to continue working without a safe and affordable place to leave their children. It is unacceptable to ask the sacrificing to sacrifice even more by utilizing childcare that invites risk.
Alpine UT emergency childcare offers a viable solution that’s safe and efficient so that workers aren’t faced with choosing between the safety of their children and loved ones and their jobs.